Find someone
The quickest way to find someone via Collaborate is to start a search by typing the person’s name, phone number, or IM address in the Search box on the Collaborate main window. The results display automatically.

Add a contact
You can add people who you regularly contact to your buddy list. This will enable you to contact them more easily and you will see their presence. To add a contact:
Find the person you want to speak to
Right-click the person’s name
Click Add to Contact
You can then add the user to a group by right clicking on the saved user and save to a group or add them to your favourites.
Creating groups
You can sort your contacts into groups for ease of management.
Click on the new button on the main screen
On the opened tab, click on groups
Create a group name and click add to contacts

Instant Messaging a contact
Select a user from your contact list, or search a new user and then you can double click on their name, or hover over their name and click the IM icon. This will open up a chat window, where you can type your message.

Escalate the call to voice, video and sharing
Within the contacts open tab, select the appropriate call type you wish to make; voice video or sharing You are also able to see a person’s contact card by pressing on the ⓘ icon.
Managing your presence
Presence enables you to see the status of the person you want to contact, so you can decide the best way of talking to them. Presence is derived from the users calendar and along with their activity within Collaborate, such as making a voice call.

To change your presence, click on your presence status and then select an appropriate one from the list. The status will remain until you select ‘automatic’ or log out of the client.