Schedule a conference
You have your own personal and permanent multi media conference room called MyRoom. Click on the icon to open up your MyRoom and you’re ready to start your meeting. For internal staff, you no longer need to send out pins, codes or plugins, just let them know the conference will be in MyRoom in your calendar invite. Additional users can be dragged into the conference from your contacts at any time.

Join a conference
Joining a conference could not be simpler. Right click on the user and select Join Room or hover over their name in your contacts and click on their MyRoom icon.

Inviting a guest (someone outside of your company)
Collaborate has the option to invite guests into a conference. Using WebRTC, the guest does not need to download any apps or plug-ins, but simply joins via a compliant web browser with a single click, or via a standard telephone using a conference ID for audio only conferencing.
Open up MyRoom
Click on the link icon
Send the link to your guest

Ad-hoc conferencing
With Collaborate you can start a conference without having to schedule a meeting, by simply dragging and dropping users from your contacts to an open window. You can then enjoy all the features of a planned conference in the same way.
Share your desktop or a program
You can share your desktop or a single application (recommended) by clicking on the start sharing button.

Click on the share button
Click on the application you wish to share or generic monitor
Click on start sharing

The preview popup will show you what you are sharing, and gives you the option to pause or end the sharing session, or switch the application you are sharing.

Managing Participants entering the conference
You can share your desktop or a single application (recommended) by clicking on the start sharing button. You can control how participants are able to join the conference by enabling the request access feature. If you select the request access enabled, the participant will not be able to join the conference until you accept them on the popup request.

Managing users in the conference
All participants of the conference will be shown in the participants list. This enables you to manage the conference by:
• Muting a person
• Sending a private IM•
• Dismissing a person from the conference

Voice, video and sharing in a conference
Within the My Room tab, select the appropriate call type you wish to make, which can be voice, video or sharing. You can also to see a person’s contact card by pressing the info icon.
Voice conferencing
When voice calling is enabled, you are able to:
• Pause the call
• Mute
• Transfer the call
• Park the call
• Add additional users
• End the call
Video conferencing
The active speaker will be in the main screen, with remaining participants shown below. You can toggle between the video, screen sharing (if enabled) and the IM chat window. The window can be expanded to full screen by clicking on the full screen button. Video calling will automatically enable voice.